Website Manager

News Detail


Jun, 2021

Volunteer Hours

We are asking that each family volunteers in the concession stand. Each team will be getting an email with the date your team will volunteer in the concession stand. This information will be sent to the team parents and they will communicate with the team. We did not assign any teams on Saturday, although this is the day we need the most help. We've asked each family to volunteer at least two hours in the concession stand. You can volunteer with your team on your assigned date and/or you can sign up for another date (i.e.- Saturday) through the link. Here is the link to signup: Concession Stand Link.

If you sign up through the link, please make sure to indicate the hours you will be working. This will help everyone know if there is coverage. We are also looking to build our concession stand team. If you would like to take more of a leadership role in the concession stand, please let me know. 

Please understand that if we do not have coverage then we will not open. 

When you arrive to help in the concession stand, there will be a manager to provide instructions. Please make sure your hair is tied back and wear close-toed shoes. 

After you volunteer, please make sure you complete the Volunteer Form. This is how we will track hours. 

If you have any issues with these links, they will be available on the website. 

Thank you for your willingness to volunteer!